"Our school is small and friendly and we all know each other really well. Our school is full of character and we are very lucky to have our school grounds." Year 6 child - Pupil Voice Interview - June 2023
At Goodly Dale we recognise the importance of knowing every child and work hard to foster the vital partnership between home and school.
We pride ourselves on our friendly, caring family atmosphere.
Parents and visitors to our school often comment on the warm and friendly welcome in our school. We aim for every child to have a happy, active and enriched primary education in an environment that is caring and supportive. We have smaller than average class sizes which allow us to adapt the curriculum for each child and to take into account individual ability and interests.
In April 2018, Ofsted recognised this stating, 'Pupils make great strides in their personal development at Goodly Dale. They show much pride in their school and learn to be confident, caring individuals who show respect for others.'
Every child is well known to all Goodly Dale staff. We are fortunate to have specialist teachers in maths, reading, music, computing, early years, RE and PE on our staff. These experts teach across the school sharing their knowledge, enthusiasm and talent with all our children.
We hope the information included on this website will be of help to you and your children. Contributions to this website have been made by staff, governors and children. If there is anything else you would like to know please do not hesitate to ask. We encourage all prospective parents to visit our school to find out more and to see for themselves the unique and special nature of our school.
'Pupils are confident and show a love of learning. They are eager to engage in their learning and to do their best. This highly positive attitude has a beneficial impact on their progress in learning.' Ofsted 2018