School Vision
Vision Statement
An inspirational school that all are proud of; where children can flourish and maximise their potential
Education and Learning
- Ensure that all pupils maximise their potential and produce their best work
- For teachers to have the opportunity and resources to ‘build on success’ and improve teaching to the benefit of the children, whilst achieving their own personal goals
- Regularly review and refresh the School Development Plan to ensure challenging targets are set and achieved
- Ensure the consistent and regular monitoring of the standards of teaching, learning and pupil assessment (both formal and informal)
- Recognising the School’s unique location and extensive grounds, enrich the foundation curriculum with outdoor and adventurous learning and physical education, thereby broadening pupils’ learning experiences and opportunities. Maintain the School’s positive ‘Forest School’ experience
- Continue to provide opportunities for external activities and visits to provide an educational programme that is varied and imaginative
School Environment:
- Promote an environment where everyone (pupils, teachers and parents) enjoy coming to school
- Develop an environment that promotes the learning experience
- Commitment to classes that best support individual pupils
- Promote parental involvement to support the children’s learning experiences
- Reward behaviour that promotes the learning environment, respect for others and the reputation of the school
- Whilst recognising that the School is non-denominational, promote spirituality and pupils’ sense of ‘self’ and their awareness of the environment around them, including an understanding of all faiths and beliefs
- School recognises and promotes the importance of British Values and world views
- Build on the schools’ successful history for inclusivity
- Ensure the highest standards of safe-guarding and child protection, providing a safe and secure environment for all
- Foster an atmosphere free of any kind of bullying, harassment or racism
- Ensure effective communications between Governors, Head Teacher, Teachers, Parents and Pupils that best promotes the School’s vision
- Provide opportunities for parents to discuss their children’s educational needs and wider issues with Teachers, Head Teacher and Governors
- Ensure the Student Council and Parent Teacher Association have an important role in the ongoing development of the school
- Further embed the School as a central part of the local community
- Nurture cooperation with other local schools to broaden the children’s experience and growth as individuals
- Promote collaboration with the South Lakes Rural Partnership and Local Alliance of System Leaders to enhance the School’s development
- Governors are to actively support and challenge the Head Teacher, Staff and Parents to ensure high standards of education, welfare and pupil behaviour