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Goodly Dale Community

Primary School

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Class 4

Class 4 2023 - 2024

Summer Term 2024

Water sports with Windermere Outdoor Adventure Centre

Lake Warden Water Safety Visit

Junior Citizens 2024

Windermere Science Festival and South Lakes Rivers Trust workshop

Spring Term 2024

Brewery Dance Festival

Experience Easter 2024

The Lakes School Art Partnership

Thermal Runaway Safety Rap Project 🎵

Autumn Term

Bulb planting for Goodly Dale Cottages

Community Cadets visit to Windermere Library

Community Cadets

Reading Buddies

Maths - Roman Numerals

Class 4 2022-2023

Summer Term 2023

‘New Beginnings’ workshop with Impact International - Moving up morning.

Lake Warden’s Water Safety Morning

Cluster Tri-Golf Champions 2023 🏆

Tennis 🎾

Spring Term 2023

During Spring Term we will be using the story The London Eye Mystery as a focus in our English lessons. This will work alongside our topic of 'Rivers' and a focus on the River Thames. During our Maths lessons we will be working on our understanding of decimals, fractions, percentages and area and perimeter. We will be then using these skills to solve a wide range of problems both in and out of the Classroom. During our PE lessons, we will be developing our gymnastic, tag-rugby, lacrosse skills as well as increasing our understanding of the importance of exercise and good health. Science will take place on Tuesday afternoon and our topics will be forces and light. 

Reading Buddies

Experience Easter Workshop at St Mary’s Church.

Key Steps Gym District Champions 2023

Extreme Reading for World Book Day 2023

Westmorland Agricultural Partnership Workshop

Lancaster University Planetarium Workshop

Autumn Term 2022

During Autumn Term we will be using Wolf Brother as a focus in our English lessons. We will base our learning around this fantastic story! During our Maths lessons we will be working as hard as ever to develop our skills. We will be then using these skills to solve a wide range of problems both in and out of the Classroom. We are lucky to have PE with Mr Moorhead once again this year. We will be working on our netball skills during the first half of the term. Science will take place on Tuesday afternoon and our topic is electricity. 

Bikeability 2022

Christmas visit to Birthwaite

Mountain Film Festival

Class 4 Netball Team

Class 4 2021-2022

Spring Term 2022

This Spring Term we will be using 'Flood-land' as a focus in our English lessons. We will use this excellent story as a basis of our learning. It will also help us to look at Global Warming and how it impacts life on Earth. During our Maths lessons we will be working as hard as ever to develop our skills. We will be then using these skills to solve a wide range of problems both in and out of the Classroom. During PE with Mr Moorhead and Mr Blair  we will be working on our gymnastic and invasion game skills. Forest School will take place on a Friday afternoon. Science will take place on Tuesday afternoons. Our topic for Spring Term is Rainforests. This will be a learning focus across all other curriculum areas. 

Wild Science Rainforest Animals Workshop

Class 4 Outdoor Adventure Day

The Lakes School Netball Tournament Runners Up 2022

Islam workshop with Imran

Autumn Term 2021

We will begin the Autumn Term by using 'Kensuke's Kingdom' as a focus in our English lessons. We will base our learning around this fantastic story! During our Maths lessons we will be working as hard as ever to develop our skills. We will be then using these skills to solve a wide range of problems both in and out of the Classroom. We are lucky to have PE with Mr Moorhead once again this year. We will be working on our netball skills during the first half of the term. Forest School will take place on a Friday afternoon. Science will take place on Tuesday afternoon and our topic is electricity. 

Kendal Mountain Festival

Forest School 0s and Xs


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  • Goodly Dale Community
  • Primary School
  • Lake Road, Windermere
  • LA23 2JX